
Yet Another New Plan

I like making plans even if I don’t always stick to them. This time, I’m setting monthly quilty goals so I don’t run off after every shiny new idea that comes along.  Something old (finish something I started), something new (a stashed kit or new technique), and something to donate (from stash fabric). 

February’s something old: easing into the UFOs by taking the 4 star blocks I started over 12 years ago and turning them into a wallhanging. 

Something new: I want to try half-rectangle triangles and make this Jolly Bar Meringue Shortcut Quilt from Fat Quarter shop. (Done 2/3/2024)

Something to donate: make something with the fabric leftover from hubby’s UFO quilt? 

I also purchased the patterns to finish my foundation paper-pieced garden quilt. It’s on my list of goals for 2024, so making a block monthly-ish would be better than my usual reality of making them all at the last minute in November or December …  Anybody want to bet on which will actually happen??


Vickie L. Graham said...

All the quilts are really pretty, but the first star quilt is stunning!! Hmm, I wonder where I stashed my Mariner's Star blocks?