
Salem, Our Very Busy Day 5

We saw so much today! I wasn’t expecting to like Salem as much as we did; hubby and I were here 20+ years ago and thought it was just ok. I think there’s more of an emphasis on the history now and less on kitsch. 

Salem Witch Trials Memorial. There a granite slab bench for each of the 20 victims who died by hanging (19j or crushing (1). Very moving. 

Scenes from the excellent trolley tour.

Revere bell; West India Trade House; Custom House; Salem Visitor’s Center

Salem Harbor Light: we found another light!

St. Peter’s Church, Salem (history here). When the church was enlarged in 1833, they moved the gravestones to the front (both sides of the red door) but left the bodies in place and built the church over them.

Bewitched statue. I loved that show!

The Witch House/Corwin Home. Fascinating history. This is the only building that remains from the witch trials era. I learned a lot from the exhibits. 

The Witch Dungeon. This was a short play, with dialog taken directly from the witch trial transcripts, and a tour of the dungeon, recreated from records and archeological finds. An original beam from the actual dungeon is on display. 

Things I didn’t know: cells varied in size based on what you or your family could pay. Everything needed - food, water, clothing, chamber pot(!) - had to be paid for or you went without. Cells for the poor were about the size of a telephone booth, often had 3-4 people chained in them, and had nothing in them, including a chamber pot. People were often in there for months. Incredible. 

House of Seven Gables. Another museum I wasn’t expecting much from that turned out to be very interesting. Hubby and I even climbed the (very narrow, bendy and awkward) hidden staircase! (Rachel said, h*ll no.” 😂) 

Hidden liquor cabinet; attic wall w/lath and plaster; kitchen; ‘penny store’ that was not in the original house but was added when the book became popular

 Seven Gables garden
Original peg construction; no nails!

Oprah’s favorite candy store (according to the trolley tour guide who said the store  makes/sends special batches of chocolate turtles to her)

Graphic warning - don’t look at the rest of this if you’re squeamish about c*rpse medicine. I’d never heard of it before and I’m grossly fascinated. Wanted to put these pics here so I can find them again. 


Vickie L. Graham said...

Salem is on my bucket list. Love your pics!