
Planting Bug

For Mother’s Day, Matt & family gave me a plant, 
a nursery gift card and offered to go plant shopping with us - who could resist???

We filled the back of the SUV - and put a hefty hit on hubby’s credit card - but came home with some very pretty plants (that I hopefully won’t immediately kill…)

Jac and I spent a few hours Monday 

making our own dirt mix (Matt’s special recipe)

and repotting succulents

while Leo took charge of the wine barrel planter*. 

She did such a good job**!

We finished up today, so hubby could have the garage back, and all but one plant are either in the ground or repotted. 

Hope the lizards enjoy their new plantings!

*See the smallest round pot at Leo’s feet? We needed it to be deeper for the plant we wanted to put in there… so we smacked the bottom with a sharp tool until it broke (Jac was shocked 😂)… then put it back in place with no one the wiser (until Leo snitched me off to Pop 😂). Instant DIY deep-dish planter! 

** A local cat decided Leo’s plants would make a good bed and slept right in the middle of the red one, crushing it. 

So… Pop and I put flower lights and wood stakes in and around it to discourage further naps. Hope it works!