
It’s Good To Be Home

Most of this week has been spent in recovery mode - 

we’re tired from traveling and Jac’s been sick with allergies -

Red and gold Spiderman 

so when we all had energy today, 

The Hulk

we made the most of it …

Chalk painting - including Jac’s 49 step hopscotch (red arrows below) 😳-

chalk watering (every bit as much fun as drawing),

making play-dough,

and my favorite - 

bribing Donovan to get his face wet. 

Both kids like playing with water, but neither likes being wet 

and they especially dislike having water on their faces. 

Working to fix that, one two Oreos at a time. 

(Oreos have replaced Tic Tacs as the favorite bribe payment and Donovan is quite a negotiator when it comes to getting more sweets. 😂)