
Out With The New . . .

Out with the new, in with the old? 

We’re a little behind in our seasonal decorating, 

but today Donovan and I took down the amazing Halloween wallhanging Aunt Teena made*

and put up the Thanksgiving turkey I made several years ago. 

After not seeing him for almost two weeks, D and I are trying to do all. the. things. before Pop and I leave for Colorado on Friday. 

Yesterday, we read 3 of his new books before my voice gave out and we had to leave the fourth one for Daddy.

Today was all about cutting and coloring and gluing (good thing my cutting mat is washable!) and watching tv together. Plus, a long discussion on “why is your glue purple??” Gonna miss this kid!

* Teena said this was a “practice” piece with her new embroidery machine. Looks pretty perfect to me! 

She also made purses for Leia and Leanne that earned the highest teen praise - they both wore them out in public! 😂


Vickie L. Graham said...

Teena's quilt is soooo cute!