
Fairy Forest

Leanne’s birthday quilt is done, done, done.

She’s been using it for awhile, without the binding, (oopsie)

but I took it with us to Mammoth 

and got it absolutely, totally, finally finished. 

The pattern is “Summer Night Soirée” (details here) (free pattern here) and I bought the kit from Northern Threads quilt shop in Fairbanks AK, a shop I’ve never been to but where I spend a *lot* of $$ on a regular basis (they have very cool, unique items). 

This was my first time doing mitered corners (here), which were a cinch compared to the time-consuming blocks (here). Finished size is 65x76.5”. Overall, this was a fun project and Leanne *loves* it. And did I mention it glows in the dark?? So cool. 

P.S. I’ve started having the girls sign their name on the quilt label, rather than my writing it. Hoping that will have special meaning for them as they get older. 


Vickie Graham said...
