
No Nap Crafts

Donovan arrived Thursday morning, ate a quick breakfast and promptly fell back asleep on Pop’s chest.

Jac spent Wednesday night here and slept in til 10 am.(yay!)

So the question became how to entertain a toddler and a big girl (Jac insists she’s not a little kid anymore) when they would normally be taking a nap?

We started with dinosaur play-doh  - good for 1.5+ hours of play-together fun -

while I cut pretty paper 

and gathered glue sticks

for our first try at Christmas garland. 

Donovan went back to his dinosaurs almost immediately, 

Leia and Jac got bored fairly quickly - 

Jac isn’t a big fan of anything that gets her hands dirty - 

but Leanne - my crafty girl - kept going and going until she had a huge, gorgeous chain. . . that she promptly took home with her. Wonder if I can talk her into making another one for our house . . .