
Helicopter Santa

One of my very favorite Christmas traditions is watching "helicopter Santa" fly his reindeer over town on Christmas Eve.

I bet we've only missed seeing Santa 6 or 7 times in the 32 years Aspen Helicopters has been flying him around.

Of the grandkids, only Leanne got to go with us this year and she was super excited even before Santa came into view.
Once she actually saw him, she could hardly contain herself. So much happiness!
As tradition dictates, once Santa flew over our heads at the outlet mall, we raced over to a local church and waited for him to fly over us again as he swung out toward Santa Paula. Santa's a bit of a speed demon, so I'm glad at least one of my pics of him turned out to be more than a blur.
And with that, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.