Up On The Roof
Looks like it's my week for 60's songs. And not in a good way this time. Went into my craft room this morning and heard the tippy-tap of little raindrops - inside, all over my cabinets, books, and YARN STASH. Turns out that yesterday's winds blew part of the roof covering off, leaving the under-bits exposed to today's rain and hail.
Lucky Dick - with his able assistant, Marie -
got to climb up there with a tarp and some sandbags. Hopefully that will keep out the worst of the water until this series of storms subsides.
Have you ever noticed that blue tarps are seldom the sign of something good?
On a more positive note, Leia is visiting for the second day this week. I finished another Goody Gumdrop hat last night with hopes that it would fit her and she would like it. No on both counts. It's a little too tight and Leia couldn't get it off her head fast enough.
This is the only (almost) in-focus shot I got of her wearing the hat. The rest are like this one -
hat rejection in progress. Oh, well. It'll make a good charity hat.
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