
Low Tech

Dick is a surprisingly low-tech kind of guy. Surprising, because he's always been interested in new technology. He was a "Beta" guy before VHS took over the video market. From the time personal computers first became available, we've had a computer in the house. In the '80's, he ordered a custom-built, top-of-the-line, smokin' DOS machine from two friends who were in the business - and he knew the specs for all the various bits and bytes.

But over the years, I've gradually become the family techie. Dick would much rather cut wood or smash things with a hammer than defrag a hard drive or set up a wireless network. He can
read his email, he's good at eBay-ing (much to my benefit!), and he knows how to Google.

Take date days, for example. Over the years, we've visited a lot of the higher profile places that come to mind when you think day-trip. So each week, Dick breaks out his laptop, fires up Google, and starts looking for something new, something we haven't seen before. And he always comes up with something interesting, like this week's trip to William S. Hart Park in Newhall. (Lots of baby bison - fiber-on-the-hoof!)

But the map and directions for getting there? Definitely low-tech.