Plan B
We had reservations for another whale watching trip today, taking advantage of Leanne’s week off for spring break, but Mother Nature had other ideas. Again.
Seas rough enough that the boat was eventually canceled was not how we wanted to introduce Jac to the ocean,
so we instead headed north for ostriches, emus and pastries.
The birds weren’t very interested in feeding -
they’d been eating steadily since 9 am one employee told us -
so most just ignored us altogether.
Which was fine with Jac.
She tried feeding one set of emus,
and she liked the baby emu that was about her size,
but overall she’d rather just watch Leanne and Pop get close to the feathered dinosaurs.
We wandered around Solvang for a bit,
eating ice cream, dancing in the (blocked off) streets,
visiting the Pendleton store and standing in a sloooow line to get the very last apple strudel for Pop.
All in all, a very nice day. Even if it was Plan B.
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