Jac and I have been working on art projects whenever Donovan isn’t here. They are inseparable when they’re both here, but Jac thinks I’m an ok substitute if he’s not around.
First up was painting with glue and food coloring.
Glueing fabric scraps is one of Jac’s favorite things but this was the first time we added color to the glue first. Giant hit!
As was the basket of leftover ‘diamonds’ and ‘jewels’ I dug out of the craft cabinet. It really does pay to (almost) never throw crafty things away.
We also celebrated the gorgeous weather
with a bit of sunbathing and chalk drawing
while poor Leanne was in school (in her pj’s and quilt).
The art part was almost over before it began
when a bee landed on Jac’s shirt and freaked her out.
Look at the size of that stinger! Poor bee was probably as traumatized as Jac. 😂
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