
This and That

Farewell, Old Friend:

I bought this suitcase in Ireland circa April 2009, after Delta destroyed my original bag on our trip to Dublin. It's held up amazingly well for 7 years - and I've never seen its twin in all our travels - but the seams are starting to fray and, sadly, it's time to say adieu. I'll miss you, buddy.

Bathroom Time:

I wasn't quite sure why Leanne insists - every time - on accompanying Leia to the bathroom. Turns out, Leia is a multi- tasker. She reads to Leanne while taking care of business. Hooray for a new generation of (bathroom) readers!

Fridge Art:

Leia's card for Pop reminded me of this card she made me last year. It has pride of place on our fridge. I may never take it down.

She also made this one -

Yep, that's my awesome little Monkey!