Beach Girl
Last up on 'must do' moments for Addy's trip to California was dipping her tootsies in the ocean for the first time. We had breakfast in Ventura before heading to the beach at Marina Park. Addy was excited, laughing and pointing to the water. Rachel had the video camera going and grandma was in charge of still photos. Addy thought the sand felt strange but fun on her feet. . .
and laughed when the water rushed up on her toes the first time.
We were all having fun and didn't notice that sneaky grandpa was standing much further up the beach, away from the water. Why you ask? Because the next wave kept coming
and coming
and coming . . .
all the way up to my knees.
John did a fast backtrack, keeping Addy high and dry; the rest of us were varying degrees of soaked. Dick just stood on his little hill and laughed.
Addy helped write her name in the sand - but wasn't very interested in touching or playing with the handful Rachel offered her.
She didn't seem to mind having it on her feet though.
Don't you just love sandy baby toes?
Odds and Ends
I finally got the buttons sewn on Addy's dress. Little mother-of-pearl starfish. Appropriate, yes?
Here's a preview of the weekend wedding. I'll have more photos tomorrow. Between us, Breanne and I took almost 300 shots. It's going to take me a little while to sort, crop and upload them.
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