I'm not sure whether to bless or curse Ravelry. I've spent several hours over the past two days photographing stash, sorting it into bins, and uploading it onto Ravelry. It's great to have a list of everything, with photos and where I hid stored it - I can shop my stash when I want to start a new project. On the other hand, it's a lot of work - and it's embarrassing how much stash I have. One of my main goals this year is to use up or gift away a lot of my fiber treasures.
Still can't crochet; I really did a number on my shoulder and arm during the push to finish holiday presents. I'm taking muscle relaxants at night (and sleeping really, really well) and working on other project during the day, but I miss my hook.
I warped the big loom with this cotton shawl back in December. I finally started weaving today. It's the most complex project I've worked on to date. I'm using 2 shuttles, each with a different color of fiber, and alternating them in the weft pattern. It's very slow going - I'm trying to not make mistakes since unweaving this yarn is a nightmare. And no, I didn't kill my little helper -
but Oreo now has a much better understanding of what "NO!" means.
Dick works every morning on the dining room remodel. Plywood and drywall are in place -
and tomorrow he should start framing in the back side for the dart board and cue racks.
Then the dining room carpet will come out, tile will go down, a little new paint on the walls, and he's on to the kitchen.
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