Knittin' Spinster
Susie and I put together a spinning group to build on the techniques we learned in Gwen Powell's workshops. We were surprised - and pleased - to have nine spinners at the first meeting; invites** went out Monday, so there wasn't much notice. We're meeting at the same yarn store where I teach my crochet classes. The owner is a guild member and is letting us use the classroom while her SnB knitters group meets in the main part of the store.
Our plan is to meet the second and fourth Thursday of each month. During the first meeting, we'll study a specific fleece (probably Romney in March); the second meeting will be for individual spinning projects. Despite all the talking and eating and seeing what everyone else was working on, I got almost a full bobbin of a Columbia/mohair blend spun up. I bought a one-pound bag of this at last year's Fair and it's a dream to spin. I'm taking two of my wheels to the next meeting. Several knitters want to try spinning. I'm hoping to entice them over to the spinning side.
I think I'm officially a knitter now. Along with the eleventy-seven crochet projects I have going, I have four knitting projects on the needles. Two squares from my knitting block-a-month class, a cotton washcloth and a scarf. The scarf is Blue Sky Bulky, a 50/50 alpaca/wool blend. I'm using size 15 needles and I'm starting to think I should have used at least a 19. Tear it out and start over? Or keep on and wonder if it will be ok? What to do . . . .what to do . . .I can now watch teevee and knit at the same time (last week I couldn't do that. Any distraction caused violent ripping out of stitches. )
Next up: talking while knitting. Whoohoo! Party time.
**If you're a member of the guild or Knit & Nibble and you'd like to come spin with us, just drop me an email and I'll send you the details.
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