for not blogging in sooooo long. Want to see it?
Isn't she beautiful?
I flew to Colorado on Friday so I could babysit my favorite granddaughter. Grandpa Jim, John's dad, usually watches Addy but he was on vacation this past week, which gave me a chance to grab some baby time. I couldn't get on the plane fast enough!
Denver's weather forecast for the weekend was mild, 50's during the day and high 30's at night. So imagine my surprise when about an hour into the flight we were rerouted to Las Vegas due to an ice storm in Denver. We were told the delay would be about an hour and we got to deplane. Twenty minutes later - after I'd lost my one dollar in the slot machines - they were chasing down the staff and passengers so we could get back in the air. It was another forty-five minutes before they finally found the last passenger. Not fun sitting in a small plane, with limited air circulation, for that long. Even less fun for the 6'5 guy crammed into the seat next to me.
The good thing about airports layovers and long plane rides is the chance to finish presents for babies.
These bibs are crocheted with cotton and took about an hour each to make.
I also worked on a pair of baby booties, but ran out of yarn before I finished the toes. I think I have something in my stash that might match; otherwise, I'll be shopping for off-white sock yarn very shortly. (Kimberly, if you're reading this - do you have any more of the red, white & blue sock yarn I bought from you awhile back? I just need a few yards, if you happen to have some stashed away . . . . .)
So what did I do on my Colorado vacation? On Saturday, Rachel, her buddy Tania and I painted pottery. I'll tell more about that when I have photos of the finished pieces. (But it was fun, fun, fun! And there's an almost identical store in Ventura. Anybody want to go painting??)
And I held a sleeping baby.
Addy will sleep for hours during the day, as long as someone is holding her. Lay her down and she's awake within 20 minutes. So, of course, Grandma HAD to hold her. She's pretty good about sleeping in her crib at night; she's still getting up about once a night. Poor John isn't getting much sleep.
And I helped her play with her favorite toy.
Grandpa Jim gave Addy this Leap Frog chair. She loves it. She puts so much energy into trying to touch the swinging toys - which makes music play - that after about 30 minutes, she's exhausted.
The first couple of days, Addy was using mostly her left hand to grab the toys. But then she figured out that she had two hands - and the fun was really on. It was hilarious watching how excited she got.
And laughed at her when she got the sneezes (bad grandma.)
Addy is so good natured, always smiling and making happy noises. And I got to hear her very first laugh while I was there! Rachel got her laughing so hard, poor Addy got the hiccups. And yes, we laughed at her then too.
The only time she fussed? When we took her out to Joann's for beads and yarn. She's not crazy about the car seat.
Or maybe it's all the bundling she has to endure when it's 36 degrees out. She looked cute, but she was not happy.
Oh! and I fixed Rachel's busted computer. It's been awhile since I reformatted a hard drive, so I was a tad nervous about it. But Grandma Tech Support rules! Be sure to check out the baby pictures of Addy, Rachel and John. I thought Addy had John's eyes. Guess again . . . .
So what did Dick do while I was out having fun? Worked on the house, of course. We now have the first section of tile in the hallway.
The main section of the house has the light brown porcelain tile throughout. Between each room, we're putting different borders to add visual interest.
I love the rain forest marble that separates the sitting room from the hall.