Poor Miss Scarlett
aka Not Our Best Day
First off, we're fine. Sore - and I'm sure it will be worse tomorrow - but we, and everyone else involved, walked away from this. We were driving down the freeway when we were hit, spun, then hit again at least once. My poor 6-week old car is totaled.
The side airbags deployed and kept us from hitting our heads. The car is squished in on the sides so badly that the headliner popped out; the back passenger side windows are gone.
Darn it, I loved that car. Poor Miss Scarlett, I'll miss you.
God bless whomever invented side impact airbags.
Oh my gosh Elisa I just read about your accident. I realize several days have gone by but can I do anything for you. I live in town you know. The pictures look terrible. Are you sure you're okay?
Holy munched-mobile batman!!! This is the first I've seen these pic's – guess I missed a few postings. I can't imagine how terrifying that must have been. I would have been worried sick had I seen these pic’s last year. SO GLAD YOU’RE BOTH OK!
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