
Yep, Still Here

Still here, still sick, ready to be over it. I was going to say hubby was pretty much done with it, but he’s still taking 2 naps a day… The tiredness and the cough are the worst parts now. 

Donovan‘s still sick too. His dr says it’s a strain of influenza, so that’s probably what Pop and I had/have too.

Had the first of two light treatments for my eye today. Such a fiasco time-wise - we sat in the waiting room for over 2 hours, then another hour and a half in the treatment room, while they restarted and recalibrated their fancy, high-tech machine over and over… They were so backlogged, I think they finally canceled and rescheduled all the afternoon appts. 😜 But… did it work? We’ll know tomorrow, after the dilation drops wear off. Crossing fingers!


Vickie said...

This has been a rough winter for you all!! Hope things start improving rapidly❣️