
Babies, Bugs and Beans

Donovan was too sick to go to daycare today - in the age of COVID, a runny nose gets you booted to grandma’s house - 

and he was fine playing with the horses and zoo animals and talking nonstop (and expecting logical replies from me to ev.er.y.thing!)

but then Jackie came home from kindergarten and the excitement was almost unbearable.

Between kindergarten, daycare and Donovan being sick, they haven’t seen each other in over a week. Much too long apart, for both of them. 

Spotted this ⬇️ on the front walk Wednesday - the biggest grasshopper I’ve seen in a long time. 

 The locusts are coming . . .

Jac’s reaction? “That’s so cool! Let’s go find it so I can pet it!”

 All photos taken by Jaclyn 

Then she dug out her grasshopper to compare. Jac doesn’t like spiders, but she thinks bugs are awesome.

I taught Donovan how to snap green beans after Jac went home.

Turns out he’s really good at it!

Little boy is cute and good in the kitchen. The ladies are going to love him. 😂