
Day Tripping

Skies were still blue today - 

there’s a big snow storm predicted for tomorrow and Saturday -

so we continued down our must-see list with a trip to Convict Lake. 

(How the lake got its name is here.)

Hubby remembers, when he was about 10, camping here with his dad, so this made a nice trip down memory lane for him. 

Our next stop was supposed to be Hot Creek, but we missed the turn-off, so instead we headed into Bishop, 40+ miles down the mountain, so I could get a sewing project to work on during the Big Storm (if it ever gets here). 

I should know better than to bring just *one* project on a vacay. The good news though is Leanne’s fairy quilt is finally bound and finished!

Then it was back up the mountain to Hot Creek Geological Site

a collection of geothermal pools 

located a mile or so behind the local airport. 

This was easily my favorite site of our trip, moving the earthquake fault/fissure down to #2.

The pools are supposed to be off-limits - multiple people have died from burns over the years - 

but there were a couple dozen people swimming in the bubbling, steaming creek. 

With a *high* temp of about 36 and strong, cold winds, I bet that water felt really good, right up until you had to get out . . .

 The pretty red is ferrous oxide aka iron ore