
Christmas Memories

A few memories from Christmas Eve at Vic's and Christmas Day at Matt's.

The "Greats" - Dick's parents with Naia, Miles and Chris

Enjoying the day - Margaret, Jen, Scott and Vickie

Gary (who was kinda surprised that he liked the presents we got him. See? The old folks still got it!)

Marie - the new hairstyle and contacts were a big hit

Marie and Dad - she loved the cherry hope chest he made for her.
I didn't get a picture of the huge amounts of baked goods Marie made for us. Yum!

The 'art piece' Dick made for me The burl wood slices are beautiful. This will hang on a reindeer hide in the stairway.

Oreo searching for her presents

Christmas morning at Matt's

Matt's clan - Naia, Chris, Miles and Matt

It took Miles about three presents before he figured out the big stack was all for him. Huge smiles!

Princess Naia awaiting her next gift

Breanne and Garrett made the holiday complete
when they joined us for the day

Naia trying out her new scooter; it didn't take her long to get the hang of it.

Rachel, John and Addy; Meg, Aaron and William;
Bill, Carolyn, Keith and Kelly
- we missed you!!