What A Mess
The guild's annual open house, sale and show is this Saturday* and guess who's organizing it? Oh, yeah. Some people never learn.
I've got most of the stuff sorted, ready to be priced and tagged. Sharon's coming over tomorrow to help with that. But I think the rest of my week is going to be working toward - and worrying about - Saturday.
Want to see what the ping-pong table looks like now? Cones upon cones of weaving yarn - Bags and bags (this isn't all of it) of skeined yarns.
Weaving shuttles, bobbins, heddles, reeds; a tapestry loom, warping board, bobbin winders;
bobbin lace pillows and equipment;
books, magazines, two looms and a spinning wheel. Thank goodness Dick is a patient kind of guy. And that all this will be gone by Saturday.
And to top it off? I kicked one of the boxes tonight (it was an accident, honest) and I think I broke my toe. It isn't turning colors (yet) but I get sharp, shooting pains when I try to walk on it. Tried wiggling it - not a good idea. The cold sweat and nausea is easing but I don't think I'll do that again.
*Ventura County Handweavers & Spinners Guild Show & Sale - Saturday, October 20, 10 am - 3 pm, at SCIART on the campus of CSU Channel Islands. We'll have vendors, Granny's Attic, silent auction, demos, and more. Come join us!
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