
Newport Mansions, For The Wrap

 Last day was a great day. 

It took almost 3 hours to drive from Salem to Newport (maps app said it would be 2….glad we left early.) but we arrived with a whole 15 minutes to spare before the trolley tour started. 

Jay Leno’s east coast house has 6 garages

Trolley Rob, the tour guide, made sure we got our $$ worth with some great stories to go with the crazy big mansions everywhere.

We did a walking tour of two homes, The Breakers and The Elms, both owned by the Newport Preservation Society (along with 9 or so other properties.) All were “summer cottages” for wealthy New Yorkers who spent about 6 weeks there each year. 

Breakers was built by Cornelius & Alice Vanderbilt between 1893-95 and totals 70 rooms and 138,600 square feet. (It’s just a cottage, remember ??😜) 

A few of my favorite pics:

I love sparkly crystal chandeliers
 Music room
 My favorite thing in the house - the wood doors are *curved* to match Mrs. Vanderbilt’s circular bedroom. ⬇️ Amazing craftsmanship!
 Stained glass skylight
 Note skylight ⬆️ and tapestry/portrait ⬇️
 What a kitchen!
 Oven door
 Double-decker butler’s pantry 
 Making her pretty for the summer season
 Entrance gate

The Elms was built from 1899-1901 by coal magnate Edward Berwind and wife Herminie for a cost of $1.4 million ($49.7 mil in 2023 dollars.) 

Mr. Berwind’s sister Julia, the home’s last resident, died in 1961 and the home was on its way to being demolished in 1962 when the Preservation Society purchased it. 

Almost all the furnishings had already been auctioned off; the Society has been tracing and re-purchasing items as they could since then.

 Back of the house

Some favorite pics:

 Second floor hallway
 Drawing room
 In the ballroom
 Dining room ceiling
 Double-decker butler pantry 
 Marble stairway
 Mrs. Berwind’s bedroom 
 Rose Room
 Best organized linen closet ever. Want!
 An actual vault to hold the family’s silver service
 Kitchen and zinc prep table
 Front doors
 Look at the trunk - wonder how old this tree is? Bet it fabulous in the summer

And that’s it! Tomorrow we head for Boston and start the journey home. It’s been great but I miss my cat!