Techie Joy
Back in the olden days, before I retired, I was a kinda techie software-nerd, the one who solved software problems and taught software how-to’s to most of the department. I kept up on computer specs and couldn’t wait to get new hardware every couple of years.
How things do change in retired life! My current computer is 15-ish years old, I haven’t looked at tech specs in at least 10 years and the thought of a (much needed!) upgrade to new hardware was stressing me out.
Fortunately, Gary’s step-son has a degree in computers (top of his class!), works at Best Buy for the holidays, and was willing to help me make both a decision and a purchase.
Everything was due to arrive Tuesday but in an early Christmas miracle, it actually got here today. I was worried about the learning curve from Windows 8 to Windows 11 but… it was easy. As was moving over all my files and (most of) my photos. I’m so excited (now that the hard part is over.)
Happy early Christmas to me!