
Ghost Stories

These two spent the run up to bedtime telling each other ghost stories and freaking themselves out. They’d both decided they wanted to go home when I reminded them that 1) no ghosts were allowed in grandma’s house; it’s a firm rule; and  2) grandma is *much* scarier than ghosts, so ghosts are afraid to stay here. 

Jac still loves her sleep mask. 

Donovan tried the “there’s monsters under my bed” story but Jac and I convinced him that Lily Kitty would *love* to chase anything that dared try to get under there.* Must have worked. They were both asleep within 3 minutes of lights out. Now if they just sleep thru the night…

* Such a lie. Lily is afraid of almost everything. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚