
Progress and Prevention

Making progress. I’d be further along if I didn’t keep sewing one piece upside down in every. single. block. So annoying.

18” blocks

I always worry about red fabrics bleeding, especially when there’s a lot of white. Normally I’d wash the red first, with a bunch of color catchers, but this was a kit and the fabric was cut small so…  

Spotted a blog post with a new-to-me method for checking - wet small pieces of fabric, lay them on top of each other and, once they’re dry, look for color transfer. Genius.

After seeing the results, I ordered a big ole bottle of prevention, aka Synthrapol, which suspends the excess dye in the wash water and keeps it from re-sticking to the fabric. Crossing my fingers …


Vickie Graham said...

I have never heard of that product. SMART! Let me know how it worked for you, pls.