
Art Camp

Today was Jac’s and Donovan’s first day at a pay-by-the-day art camp that Mary found. 

Donovan said “no thank you” to having his picture taken.

Both of them are fairly shy and don’t care for new situations, so if they were going alone this might not have worked, 

 Donovan‘s King Blue Sea

but together they usually have a good time.

And they did!

Jac says, “axolotls are my favorite IN THE WHOLE WORLD!”

 Jaclyn’s Queen Marshmallow 

I’m pretty impressed with their art, plus on the way home they invented a world for Queen Marshmallow and King Blue Sea and played at it most of the afternoon. 

 Jac added seeds to the green stalks to make tentacles

They also had some free time after their project was done, so Jac taught Donovan to play Sorry! (the board game) and he loved it. Now they have something else they can argue about play together this summer. Bonus!