Almost All Done
The towels are off the loom, as of about midnight last night. I fought the narrowing shed until the end knots were almost to the heddles, getting those last few inches I needed to make towel #3 the same length as #'s 1 and 2. Today, I zigzagged the ends (the thin blue line is where I'll cut the towels apart),
measured them, and tossed them in the washer and dryer. Measured them again when they came out (shrinkage was 1" in width, 3" in length for each towel) -
and spent tonight cutting them apart, pinning the hems and hand stitching the first towel.
Coming this weekend (fingers crossed) - winding a new warp and tying it onto the old one so I can weave companion towels. Or I may be lazy and read a book instead. Depends on how ambitious I feel after Saturday's guild meeting.
Pattern looks VERY complicated, and GORGEOUS!
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