
Still Crazy

Want to see what I've been working on lately? Go look at this. Almost 500 books and videos from the guild library entered into LibraryThing, a cool, (almost) free book cataloging program. Now, rather than keeping this stuff in cabinets locked away for most of each month, members can see what we have and make arrangements to borrow items any time.

So, 16 bankers boxes of books, packed up when the guild lost its home, are now cataloged, sorted, photographed, spreadsheeted, then checked, checked and re-checked before being packed into 16 nice new plastic tubs, ready for distribution. Until we have a new home, a few members are going to store the boxes for me.

It was a big project and I'm glad it's done, but I have to say I really enjoyed the challenge and the chance to see/touch/savor the wealth of books we own. Now I just need to sort and re-pack the remaining 16 boxes of magazines and swatch books. Yay.

Before I retired, I was the queen of special projects. Nice to see some things don't change.